Chatbots are Really Annoying
Do you know what’s really annoying? For a start, people who ask questions like that, where you are meant to say “what”, so they have your attention. But also chatbots.
Do you know what’s really annoying? For a start, people who ask questions like that, where you are meant to say “what”, so they have your attention. But also chatbots.
ChatGPT, a cutting-edge artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI, is transforming the landscape of customer service. Unlike traditional chatbots, ChatGPT’s advanced capabilities allow it to understand natural language and
You: Hi, where can I get a drink? Musicbot: I don’t know, I’m the Musicbot. You: OK, where’s the Drinksbot? Musicbot: I don’t know, I’m the Musicbot. You wander around